
A Racing headline with positive Covid | Football24 News English

The debut in the Professional League Cup 2021 is approaching and the first bad news has already appeared. A Racing headline tested positive for Covid and may not be in the premiere against Banfield that will be on Friday 12th of this month, from 7.15pm. Undoubtedly a headache for Juan Antonio Pizzi because he is a player who was the starter in the first friendly against All Boys that was played this week and now he will not be able to count on him for the first game. And, in addition, in a position where it is not solid.

Who is it about? By Fabricio Domínguez. The Uruguayan felt a slight sore throat on Friday and reported it to doctors. Right away, and despite the fact that they had swabbed him on Thursday like the rest of the squad (all tested negative, including Fabricio, as reported by the club), they decided to do a PCR on him again. It was there when the midfielder who was playing on the right back had its positive result.

After learning that he was positive for Covid, he proceeded to isolation that will last 10 days. In this way, the Uruguayan will miss the match against the Drill. And he will only be able to return to training with his teammates as of February 15. Fabricio Domínguez was above Iván Pillud in the DT’s consideration and, with the little continuity with which Schelotto arrived, he was going to start. However, he could not be in this Saturday’s friendly against Vélez and his place was taken by Pillud. Now it will be necessary to see if before Banfiel Pizzi leaves it to Pillud or sends Schelotto to the field, who just added minutes in the second friendly that all substitutes played.

Racing attentive to what happens with the Covid

Although he barely felt a symptom, he reported it to the doctors and they proceeded to do the swab, at the Academy they are very attentive to what happens with the Covid. Of course, you have to take care of everything so that a chain of infections does not occur. That is why Fabricio Domínguez was immediately isolated.

Good for Racing is that the day before, Thursday 4, the entire campus was swabbed and they all tested negative (even Domínguez). In this way, the Uruguayan, who felt symptoms on Friday, may not have infected any member of the team. Of course, we will have to wait for the next PCR to see if everything is under control at the Academy.