
ACB Liga Endesa: The data provided by Vidorreta to demonstrate the dominance of the Euroleague teams | Football24 News English

Lenovo Tenerife was about to defeat TD Systems Baskonia The last Sunday. First Sasu Salin and then Marcelinho Huertas had two triples to turn the score around, but they did not enter. The Baskonians took the victory and, at the press conference, Txus Vidorreta contributed data that shows the superiority of the Euroleague teams in the Endesa League.

“The team has been very close to beat a team with a Euroleague license, which is something that no team has not played Euroleague since October 28. November, December, January and the three teams with A license [Bara, Real Madrid y TD Systems Baskonia] They have only lost against themselves or against Valencia Basket. Since October 28, see if time has passed. It is a fact to consider “, exposes the coach of the Canaries team

Vidorreta believes that “before it was simpler. I don’t know what’s happening in recent seasons. Now, they are theoretically more tired, than travel, the new Euroleague calendar … There is no way to get your hands on them. Since October 28, none have lost against non-Euroleague teams. It is a fact to take into account to see what is the moment of our competition. We have the feeling that every time we have better teams, but each time they are more inaccessible “.

From the date cited by Vidorreta of October 28, Madrid has only lost to Barcelona in their only league defeat. The azulgranas have only fallen against Valencia Basket. Y Baskonia have suffered defeats against the madridistas and the taronjas. No one else has managed to defeat them.

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