
According to Dr. Fauci, in the Super Bowl there will be super spread of COVID | Football24 News English

Anthony Fauci considered that the best option is avoid all kinds of meetings to watch the game of this Sunday, February 7 between Kansas City Chiefs and Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

“You do not have to meet people with whom you have not had much contact and who do not know if they are infected … There may be over-spread,” said the specialist on NBC.

However, this it is not the first voice of alarm, as other analysts have said that the conglomerations at the James Stadium in Tampa, the venue of the meeting, and on the outskirts of it will help the pandemic to spread easily.

In fact, 22,000 spectators will be able to enter the sports stage, of which 7,500 will be health professionals who have fought on the front line against COVID-19 and who were invited on the condition that they are already vaccinated.

The remaining 14,500 seats will be for fans who, through the draw mode, will be able to buy their tickets and who will be asked to permanently wear face masks, as well as stand in the stands with a minimum distance of 1.8 meters.

In addition, they will be given hand gel and an instruction manual with biosecurity standards.

The Super Bowl 2021 It will be held in a venue for more than 66,000 people in which about 3,000 workers will be present, taking care of logistics and organization.

On the other hand, the mayor of Tampa invited fans to celebrate on the streets of her city wearing mask is mandatory in certain areas, measures that do not generate confidence among students of the pandemic.