
All Boys presented their squad for the 2021 federal basketball tournament | Football24 News English

All Boys already got on a new illusion. The start of the 2021 Federal Basketball Tournament, originally scheduled for February 26, is still surrounded by many questions about the health situation as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. But Auriazul already put first and will face this new edition, the sixth in its history and the fourth in a row, with the conviction of deepening a project and the sporting advantage that the continuity of the coaching staff and the vast majority of the squad gives it. that four years ago the process began.In these aspects, the coach himself, Juan Cruz Gavazza, the president of the club, Pablo Yorio, and two team leaders such as Antonio “Toni” Manera and Jorge “Pelado” Sánchez emphasized these aspects.The four headed the presentation of the squad for this season, accompanied by the sports director of the municipality, José Luis Carluche, by the rest of the players, the technical and auxiliary staff, plus a group of leaders of the activity.“We are happy to confirm our participation in a new Federal Tournament, which will be the sixth and fourth in a row, and exclusively in the city, which means pride for all All Boys,” said Yorio, who highlighted the inclusion of a new medical staff and valued the continuity of most of the players who last year had seen with that same shirt how Covid-19 cut their dreams in the middle of the tournament.

«The news regarding the establishment is very few. When we talk about a project years ago, we can say that it has come true because there is continuity; in the coaching staff, the head remains the same and the players are practically the same, “he stressed. And he added: “The news has more to do with the inclusion of youth, and that is a goal achieved for the institution.”

Draft.“The first feeling is of happiness to be once again in a Federal, and because of the fact of being such a fan and raised in the club, it fills me with pride that it is the fourth consecutive”, Gavazza said in turn.«He will not be another Federal, not only because of the situation, but because of all the institutional changes in the club that are based on the training of those who come from inferiors, because with the new people who join to work they are given an importance to training that was not so clear before. Although there was a general idea of ​​prioritizing training, now things are being done that will definitely give that importance to development, “added the young coach.As for sports, Gavazza confided that they waited “too long” for this moment to return to compete after a year of the last game. “You are beginning to feel an adrenaline rush and an emotion that we have not felt for a long time,” he said.Along the same lines, he assured that “it is quite difficult” to find a positive point for the stop, he said that surely that “is going to influence too much”, but he was excited about a point in favor that All Boys will have compared to other teams that live in an almost permanent training: «I think we have an advantage because we are all from here, we know each other and we have been working together for four years. Our advantage is continuity.«The stop is going to be felt, without a doubt, but now the important thing is that it be played again, both for those of us who live from this, and for the players who need competition and also for the club, which needs it to have a mirror for the little ones, “Gavazza added.On the other hand, the DT spoke of the sporting goals and once again emphasized the continuity of the project. “It’s difficult to set a goal after a year without playing. We have enabled the practice of 5 vs. 5 practically for a week and we are in the preseason, so talking about objectives is too early, “he clarified.«But the great advantage we have is the union and the knowledge, and that there is a project and a game idea that has not been changed. Then we will go in and try to be protagonists as it always was, but beyond a result, the objective is a project, “he added.

Finally, Gavazza once again highlighted the process with the training sessions, with the Federal as an important part of that general idea. “For years the club has been based on the training of players, and a Federal accompanies us in the process because in general we aim that our young people can make the leap to be in this place that others occupy today,” he closed.

Anxiety.The captain of All Boys, Antonio “Toni” Manera, was in turn excited about this possibility of returning to play a Federal with the club of his loves. “It was a very hard year for everyone, difficult because we could not compete, and now we are anxious, preparing ourselves physically and with the aim of arriving with the greatest amount of play after a year of not having played,” reflected the Auriazul point guard.

The other reference is Jorge “Pelado” Sánchez, who at age 44 will fight again under the boards to take All Boys as far as possible. “I am grateful to participate another year with this team and in this club with friends and family,” said the pivot. «We were sad because of how last year ended, but we are here again and we are going to think ahead, almost the same as last year and trying to leave the best image. And we want to thank all those who make an effort so that we are better and better, “closed Pelado.

The names of All Boys.

The complete roster of All Boys for the 2021 edition of the Federal Basketball Tournament, in which the Patagonia area will share with Ferro de General Pico, Juventud Unida de Alpachiri and Neuquén Independiente, Pérfora, Centenario and Petrolero Argentino, is as follows: Antonio Manera, Franco Zalabardo, Marcelino Badillo, Mariano Zárate, Jorge Sánchez and Gerónimo Fernández (older); Vittorio Fazzini (Sub 23); Nicolás Pinciaroli and Bautista Río (Sub 21); Santino Bassa, Renzo Naccaratti, Gonzalo Yorio, Mateo Fazzini, Valentín Gómez and Manuel Collado (U19).The coach is Juan Cruz Gavazza, the assistant Alfredo Deluca, the video assistant Ezequiel Carpio and the physical trainer Mariano Bercetche.The medical staff is made up of Nicolás Altolaguirre and Franco Buffa (doctors), Maximiliano Zanesi and Julián Pessino (kinesiologists), Iñaki González (psychologist) and Rocío González (nutritionist).Health coordination will be in charge of Elvira Zanín; the general attendance of Santiago Fazzini; the statistics and spreadsheet assistants will be Pamela Calfuan, Sofía García Lercari, Agustín Aguirre and Ramiro Suárez; while the court manager will be Lucas Feijoo.

In travel and logistics will be Carlos Badillo and Augusto Arriola; the team leader will be Pablo Zanconi; in human resources Graciela Ligaluppi; in financial resources Valeria Nicolás and Belén Magnano; in advertising Luis Marani; in press Santiago Requejo; while the general coordinator will be Rodolfo Stadler.

The public and travel.

The president of All Boys, Pablo Yorio, stressed that the ideal would be to play with the public because “it is the salt of sport,” but clarified that they must respect Health decisions taking into account the current health situation. In addition, he said that in case of not having spectators, streaming could be enabled so that people pay a certain amount to watch the games and thus the clubs have some income. Meanwhile, he said that in each trip they must strictly respect the protocols, and entrusted the possibility of sharing trips with another Pampean club to lower costs.