
Attention U and Colo Colo: U. de Concepcin appeal for alleged misaligned player in Everton | Football24 News English

University of Concepcin keep insisting that Everton from Via del Mar I violated the bases of National Championship on the 26th date of the tournament, this due to the supposed bad registration of the player Kevin Figueroa in the match that ended tied without goals on Monday, December 28, 2020.

And after the ruling against the “Campanil” received from the First Chamber of the ANFP Disciplinary Court, the “Forero” painting will now appeal to the Second Chamber of the same entity, as announced in a press release this Tuesday February 02.

“We inform that the Universidad de Concepcin Sports Club raise to the Second Chamber of the Disciplinary Court of the National Professional Football Association, the pertinent appeal to the ruling of the First Chamber of the same entity, in the case of the player misaligned by the Everton club , on Date 26 of the First Division Vital Plan Championship organized by the governing body of Chilean professional football “, they began explaining from the UdeC.

“We are convinced that the provisions of the Competition Rules were NOT complied with due to the inclusion in the match sheet of player Kevin Figueroa for the aforementioned game that ended without goals”they added.

“In our understanding, the visiting club, Everton, violated Article 30 of the Tournament Rules by amending the Game Sheet, as indicated in the Judgment evacuated by the first instance of the Court“, they completed from the student cast of the Eighth Region.

It should be noted that the U. de Conce will seek the three points of this match by means of secretariat, which will be of great help in its fight to escape relegation, since they are currently in the relegation zone in the weighted table.

Check here the Weighted Table of the National Championship: