
BARCELONA | Nadal defends Messi: “I don’t understand the debate” | Football24 News English

Rafa Nadal has given an interview in #NoticiasVamos in which he talked about his injury and what to expect in Australia. In addition, Susana Guasch has asked the tennis player about football, which he is very fond of. The manacorí, despite his recognized love for Real Madrid, wanted to defend Leo Messi, after the publication of his contract of 555 million euros in the newspaper El Mundo.

The Leo thing … I don’t understand the debate. Here is a player who is without a doubt one of the best in history. And he charges what the club has been willing to pay him. From there there is no more debate, I understand. Or at least I would be a long way from entering this debate. In the end the club has considered that Messi is just deserving to collect this and good for him. In the end, it is the club that will have to deal with its finances and its vision for the future, whether with or without Leo.“Nadal said in the newscast.

In recent days, dozens and dozens of sports protagonists have come out in defense of the Argentine international, considering that he deserves to collect his exorbitant salary or, at least, that he is not directly responsible for his entity having decided to pay him that amount. The news has crossed the borders of football and Nadal has joined the list of those who support him.