
Bielsa’s phrase that drives the results crazy: “Finishing eighth playing badly for me is worse than finishing 12th playing well” | Football24 News English

Every press conference of Marcelo bielsa It is an open soccer class and in the preview of this Monday’s duel between Leeds and Crystal Palace for the Premier League, He once again attracted everyone’s attention by assuring that he prefers “to finish 12th playing well before eighth playing badly”.

“The most important thing is playing how you get to the position where you finish. If you finish 8th playing badly, for me it is worse than finishing 12th playing good. But it is also true that playing well it is much easier to finish better located. Hopefully we can play well and advance in the table “, explained the Loco in Spanish so that his famous translator could convey his message in English.

The journalist’s question pointed to the irregularity that Leeds shows in their first season in the Premier League after getting the much-awaited promotion, which until now is not enough to get into positions of classification to the cups but it does keep him away from the teams that today would be losing the category.

With just under half a season ahead, Leeds ranks 11th in the table and it is one of the teams with the most goals in favor (36) and against (38) so each match of the Bielsa team is a guarantee of a good football show.

“There are opinions that state how fun it is to face a team that concedes so many goals. We, like all teams, choose to play in one way because We believe that it is what brings us closer to success. Afterwards, football has many aspects that cannot be foreseen and has as the most important factor of all the unbalanced ability of players in their speeches, “commented Bielsa.

To close, the Fool summed up his entire philosophy, many times questioned or questioned, with a phrase: “Although the style, form and intention are more or less close to the most beautiful aspects of the game, efficiency remains the most sought after value“.