
Check if your commune advances or regresses: the changes in the Step by Step plan for this Thursday, February 4 | Football24 News English

Today new changes begin to take effect in the Government’s Step by Step plan. In the Metropolitan Region, there are several setbacks of communes that go back even to the first two stages of the program, while Lo Barnechea, Maipú, Vitacura, Providencia and Las Condes advance today to Preparation.

From the Ministry of Health they announced that the changes will be made starting at dawn this Thursday, starting at 5:00 am, when the night curfew that governs the country ends.

To quarantine

  • Arica Region: Arica.
  • Atacama Region: Tierra Amarilla.
  • Region of La Araucanía: Perquenco.
  • Los Lagos Region: Urban areas of the communes of Quinchao, Curaco de Vélez, Chonchi and Quemchi.
  • Aysén Region: Coyhaique.

A Transition

  • Metropolitan Region: Colina, Pirque and Isla de Maipo.
  • Antofagasta Region: Maria Elena.
  • Region of in Atacama: Freirina and Huasco
  • Region of in Valparaíso: Cartagena, Petorca and Olmué.
  • O’Higgins Region: Coinco, Nancagua, San Fernando, Mostazal and Peralillo.
  • Maule Region: Vichuquén, Licantén, San Rafael, Río Claro and Pencahue.
  • Region of Ñuble: San Ignacio and Bulnes.
  • Aysén Region: Aysén.

A Preparation

  • Metropolitan Region: Lo Barnechea, Maipú, Vitacura, Providencia and Las Condes.
  • Maule Region: Yerbas Buenas.
  • Region of La Araucanía: Renaico.
  • Aysén Region: Chile Chico.

Check your commune

Here you can see in which phase of the Step by Step plan your commune is, within the framework of the measures implemented by the government to combat the coronavirus pandemic.