
Chris Paul answers criticism for the celebration of the ‘All-Star Game’ | Football24 News English

In recent days, several NBA players have spoken outright against the celebration of the All-Star Game which will finally be held in Atlanta on March 7. Very resounding voices like LeBron James (if not the most resonant) and Giannis Antetokounmpo have had no trouble making their position known.

John Wall and Bradley Beal have also recently spoken out against the event. But there is one aspect that is often lost in the middle of the discussion. And LeBron made it clear in his remarks: The All-Star Game is going to be held only because the Players Union (NBPA) accepted it.

In this regard, Chris Paul, president of the union and close friend of James, provided more context on the subject in an interview with Duane Rankin of AZ Central. The Suns point guard is confident that the decision made in conjunction with the NBA was supported by the majority of the players, and he does not expect reproaches from his more renowned colleagues.

“Boys have the right to express their feelings and decisions. I respect that, ”Paul said. “I think the union’s job has been to try to make sure our players are healthy and safe. This is something that was a League decision, and day after day we are trying to figure out the development. We have 450 players with whom we are always trying to get information. It’s hard to please everyone, but we are trying to figure it out right now. “

“I spoke to Bron maybe a week or two ago. I talked to Steph and other guys, ”he continued CP3, in reference to his conversations with the biggest stars in the NBA. “Our executive committee takes calls and we try to figure it out. There are different situations. There are a lot of guys who have been playing a lot of games, and who haven’t had enough rest. I am sure that I am not the only one living without his family. So the boys see that break as an opportunity to see their families. From what I understand the discomfort it can generate. I just hope that they understand the decisions that are being made, especially as the union has always had the entire body of players in mind.

As he well says playmakerWith over 450 members, from wealthy superstars to relatively low-paid rookies, the NBPA must balance the priorities of all its members. Paul has been criticized several times in the past as president of the union because he prioritizes the stars. Well, in this case, it is those stars who are going to see their breaks reduced and they have not been slow to express their opinion.

What should not be lost sight of is that the salaries of the players are directly related to the income of the League. All players benefit from the NBA making more money; but only 24 players must participate in the All-Star Game. The discussion opens on whether the stars should then be the ones who have the final decision in this situation; since they are the ones who would have to sacrifice time off to play an exhibition game in Atlanta.

While for these big names, the income of a All-Star Game it may not mean much; For those more unknown players and with the lowest salaries, it could be a difference to get a higher salary limit that raises the amounts of their contracts. The debate will be eternal and we will never have a correct answer. Both positions have their more than justified foundations.

(Cover photo by Ronald Martinez / Getty Images)