
Colo Colo: What is the Cacique good for in the Coquimbo Unido vs Cobresal tonight? | Football24 News English

Colo Colo enters decisive phases in this final stretch of the National Championship 2020, where will face three vital matches in their fight to avoid relegation Y seal his permanence in the honor division of our football.

For that The Cacique must be very attentive to tonight’s duel between Coquimbo Unido and Cobresal, the last pending match of the tournament and which will finally leave all teams with the same number of matches played.

Whatever the result between pirates and miners, it must be viewed with optimism, since it will allow Cobresal to be at hand to reach them on the table playing before them next week or what Coquimbo is stuck in the last place to several bodies of the Cacique.

If the pirates win at home tonight, they will surpass Deportes Iquique in the table by finishing 17th with 34 points. This result will remove Colo Colo from the promotion, which could be considered as good, but they would be very close, with only two units less than the popular one.

If Cobresal obtains the victory in the fourth region, Coquimbo will be the absolute bottom of the tournament and Colo Colo still in promotion positions. Here the miners would escape several bodies of the Cacique, reaching 40 points and remaining four bodies from the albos.

Colo Colo expects some help in the Coquimbo vs Cobresal tonight. | Photo: UNO Agency.

In this scenario and if we have to choose, cconsidering also that Colo Colo is obliged to beat Iquique that Saturday, it would be more It is beneficial for Coquimbo Unido to stay with the victory, since it will pass Iquique in the table and it would take us out of the promotion positions. Likewise, Cobresal is on hand to pass them on the table in the last two dates.

An important duel for the Cacique, but one that Nothing will work if Deportes Iquique is not defeated this Saturday from 9:30 p.m. in the Land of Champions.

See how the leaderboard is going: