
Colombian Basketball League will choose the 4 new teams for 2021 | Football24 News English

The Professional Basketball Division and the Colombian Basketball Federation is in the final stretch to announce the four new teams that will be part of the Professional Basketball League of Colombia As of this 2021, after the success that the contest has had in its previous editions and the growth that this sport has had in the country.

Since the last weeks of the previous year and throughout the month of January, DPB executives have developed a series of visits to the cities where the clubs from which the request to join the championship were accepted are located.

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In total there were seven “technical – administrative evaluations” and five visits between January 4 and 23, 2021.

After this stage, it was confirmed that the Tayronas Club of Santa Marta, the Corsarios Club of Cartagena, the Llaneros Club of Villavicencio, the Coffee Club of Armenia, the Caribbean Sports Club of San Andrés and the Libertadores de Tunja Club received a series of recommendations from the DPB to be part of the championship.

As for the Tayronas Club, it was determined that it could play in the Coliseo Mayor of the Bolivarian Sports Unit, on the other hand, the Corsarios Club received the endorsement to become official as a local in the Rocky Valdez Coliseum.

Regarding the Llaneros Club, a review was made of the “sports model” to be implemented and the remodeling works of the Álvaro Mesa Amaya coliseum were also visited.

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The Coffee Growers of Armenia were made a series of recommendations to adapt the Coffee Coliseum. The Club Libertadores did not require a technical visit since the Tunja Municipal Coliseum has all the requirements requested by FIBA, taking into account that the Colombian basketball team has played at home in said scenario.

Finally, the Caribbean Sports Club of San Andrés will have to wait for the remodeling of the San Luis Basketball Coliseum to take place, since it suffered significant damage from hurricane IOTA.

The Halcones and Motilones teams are waiting to receive the technical – administrative visit.

The Professional Basketball Division will announce the four teams that will be included in the Professional Basketball League of Colombia in the second week of February.