
Concern about the state of Dayro Moreno: Positive for Coronavirus | Football24 News English

Of the most remembered Colombian players in recent years, Dayro Moreno appears, who despite his scandals and controversies, no one doubts his talent as a striker.

Currently, the player was going to have a new challenge in his career, as he was about to sign with Oriente Petrolero, from Bolivia, after leaving Once Caldas last year, where he only played three months.

However, Dayro would not have been able to terminate his link with the Bolivians, since it was known that he tested positive for Coronavirus, in his most recent PCR test, and his signing would have been truncated.

In a statement, Oriente Petrolero confirmed the news, explaining that for the moment, the confirmation of his hiring was waiting for new analyzes, to know the “viral load” of COVID-19.

This being the case, the signing of Dayro Moreno was waiting to be defined in the coming days, where he must first recover, as no symptoms are known, and undergo medical examinations.