
Coronavirus in Gipuzkoa | 28 municipalities will reopen their bars from this Wednesday | Football24 News English

The decision of the Superior Court of Justice of the Basque Country will affect the 28 municipalities that faced the week with restrictions derived from be in the red zone, andbetween them Donostia and Irun, so that as of this Wednesday they will be able to reopen bars and restaurantsHowever, not to resume group sports practice, whose restriction remains in force for all those localities that are above 500 cases of infections per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days.

In this way, situations as striking as those that have experienced hospitality professionals in Oiartzun or Usurbil, who this Tuesday had to close their doors to reopen them a day later after accepting the TSJPV the appeal of the hospitality associations against the resolution of the Basque Government that establishes this restriction on leisure.

The resolution of the Basque high court gives the reason to the associations of hospitality when considering that “influence does not appear clearly of the opening of the hotel establishments with the high level of incidence of the virus after the celebration of Christmas “.

In addition, it maintains that, although they open their doors, these establishments are subject to “important measures to correct the activity that allow minimizing the risks of their development for public health. These measures, collected by the defendant Administration itself when the incidence is lower to 500 out of 100,000 inhabitants, significantly limit activity in terms of hours, capacity, distance between tables, occupation of tables, prohibition of using the bar or standing consumption“And he maintains:” It must be indicated that, during the month of December, adequate measures have been considered as there was no rise in infections with open hospitality in that month. ”

Therefore, it concludes that “ultimately, the combination of conflicting interests makes the Chamber understand that the opening of the hotel business, under the aforementioned conditions, does not appear at this time as an element of true and serious risk for public health Therefore, the precautionary measure will be accessed in these terms.

Infection rate

On the other hand, the latest data on the accumulated contagion rates published by the Basque Executive and which it takes as a reference to apply the restrictions – from now on only sports – confirms that Andoain has managed to reduce its accumulated coronavirus infection rate enough to get out of the red zone with 453.70 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days. However, they have exceeded that limit Oñati (540.63) and Bergara (505.45).

Another significant piece of information that emerges from the epidemiological evolution of the virus is the downward trend in the accumulated rate in Gipuzkoa since last Friday, which already stands at 549.79 cases.