
Diego Lainez da negativo a coronavirus | Football24 News English

In this La Liga season, Diego Lainez has played 438 minutes.

Mexico.- Diego Lainez is ready to reappear with the Betis after having successfully passed the Covid-19.

According to what was said by Mauro Lainez, father of the Betis player, in an interview with Record, his son gave negative in the last PCR test, so that he would return to Betis training at any moment.

Even Diego Lainez could be taken into account by Manuel Pellegrini facing the match that the Betic team will hold against Villarreal next Sunday, February 13.

Diego Lainez will seek to regain ownership

Go that the contagion of coronavirus of Diego Lainez was quite inopportune, since, after almost two years of fighting for the title in the Betis, finally began to be taken into account frequently.

A proof of the constancy that the “Messi de Coapa” was acquiring is that he had eight games being a starter in the scheme of Manuel Pellegrini.

We will therefore see if the so-called “Engineer” prescribes the position to the 20-year-old Mexican and gives him minutes in the difficult match against Villarreal in what will be the Matchday 23 from The League.

Good news: Diego Lainez is recovering from COVID and will be available to play for Betis next Sunday against Villarreal.

– Martín del Palacio Langer (@martindelp) February 9, 2021

Diego Lainez’s courage increases

After being appraised at 340 million pesos, that is, 14 million euros, the value of Diego Lainez suffered a substantial decrease as of July 2019.

However, your recent actions caused your new account value to rise again, therefore, at this time your letter is valued at 180 mdp (7.5 mde).