
Diego Maradona: Mario Baudry says that doctors would prepare the death of Maradona – International Football – Sports | Football24 News English

A new scandal was generated around the investigations into the death of Diego Maradona. This time, Mario Baudry, the legal representative of Dieguito Fernando and Verónica Ojeda, Diego’s ex, returned to the charge against the doctor Leopoldo Luque, who operated on Maradona on November 3 for subdural edema.

Speaking to the program ‘Nosotros a la Mañana’, on Channel 13 in Argentina, Baudry gave controversial statements about the series of audios that have been known in recent days about the use of marijuana in the house where Maradona died and that they have in check to the medical environment of the ex-footballer.

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“But if you listen to them, it seems that they are preparing the death of Diego Maradona, seeing what can come out in the autopsy and what not … It would never occur to me and I think neither to any doctor in Argentina and in the world think about the consequences of an autopsy, “he said.

It would never occur to me and I don’t think any doctor in Argentina or in the world would think about the consequences of an autopsy.

Baudry stressed that these conversations would have taken place a month before the death of Diego, who died on November 25.

“How are you going to know that Diego is going to die in a month and that they are going to do an autopsy? It is very serious … That is why I say that these audios are much worse than the previous ones because in the others you saw a Luque was dismissive of Maradona, who was inattentive, “he added.

(Also: Maradona’s last video is known before he died)

A npart of the audios, Luque says: “I said that, within everything, I have ‘la Monona’ (the cook Romina Milagros Rodríguez) who tells me things. Because if not, you will never find out. All yesterday, except ‘ La Monona ‘and the security man, all smoking joint. “

The neurosurgeon and psychiatrist Agustina Cosachov are in the crosshairs of the judicial investigation that tries to determine if there was any type of medical negligence surrounding the death of the star, on November 25 from a cardiorespiratory arrest at age 60, which could lead to a wrongful death charge.

Last December, the toxicological report carried out in the framework of the investigation of Maradona’s death revealed that there was neither alcohol nor illegal drugs in the body of the star at the time of his death, but there was the presence of various medications to treat his physical health and mental.

(Also: Look who got Maradona’s favorite jewel)