
Disney and HBO Max to launch TV spots during Super Bowl | Football24 News English

For football fans the Super Bowl It is quite an event precisely because of what will happen on the field. However, for those who do not follow that sport, all the fanfare around the commercials and the halftime show are the main hooks of the event.

But this year the Super Bowl will be different from its previous versions and although it will still have a show by The Weekend and the game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers will also have an audience, the pandemic will give it a different tone to everything.

In fact, from Deadline they report that while in previous years the Super Bowl commercials were full of movie advances, during this 2021 movie studios will choose to keep promotions for most of their titles given the uncertainty that the coronavirus has caused regarding the release dates.

“While major studios drove nine movie ads during last year’s Super Bowl (…) that amassed 171.7 million online views in the 24 hours after the game, this year the number of series or movies promoted appears to be between five and six, “says the Deadline report before emphasizing that” the estimated cost for a 30-second ad this year is $ 5.5 million, slightly below the $ 5.6 million in 2020. “

In that sense, while this report calls not to wait for new movie trailers like Fast and Furious 9, A Quiet Place 2 Y Top Gun: Maverick, Everything indicates that streaming will dominate the advertising spaces of the Super Bowl LV.

After all, from Variety they say that “it is expected that HBO Max promote some of the films that will hit the platform in 2021 ″. A movement that could be seen from previews of productions such as the “Snyder Cut” of Justice League (March 18) and a new look at Gozilla vs Kong (March 26), to another promotional video for all the premieres that this streaming will carry out simultaneously with the theaters in the United States. But for now that is not confirmed and the only certainty is that HBO Max will carry out a promotion during the event.

But while what HBO will show is still surrounded by mysteries, what it could offer Disney it’s a little clearer.

According to Deadline, “Disney will have between two and four trailers, on par with the previous Super Bowls” and within them there could be previews of The Falcon y Winter Solider (March, 19), Loki, Y Raya and the Last Dragon, the new animated film that will be released on March 5 through the premium access of Disney Plus.

A trailer for Black Widow Apparently it would also be a possibility, but since the premiere of the film could be postponed again, it is best not to get too excited about that point.

Making the jump to another streaming, it is also expected that Amazon prime Video promote the launch of A Prince in New York 2, the movie he bought from Paramount and which will hit the platform on March 5.

All while on the side of the movie studios Universal will say present with a single trailer that apparently will correspond to Old, the new movie by M. Night Shyamalan.

After all, the director himself uploaded a video proving that a glimpse of the film could come during the match.

Super Bowl LV will take place this Sunday, February 7.