
duel between Liverpool and RB Leipzing is in “we will see” | Football24 News English

The Liverpool
will not be able to enter Germany for the first leg of the round of 16 of the Champions League
against Leipzig on February 16 due to the measures against the spread of the coronavirus that prohibits the entry into the country of people from areas where mutations are highly widespread.

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The German federal police on Thursday rejected a request from Leipzig for a special authorization to be granted to Liverpool.

A spokeswoman for the Home Office explained that the Liverpool case is not covered by any of the possible exceptions to the general rule.

Leipzig will now have to be in charge of finding a neutral venue and assuming the additional costs of party travel.

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UEFA wants to be clear until February 8. A second possibility would be for the first leg to be played in England trusting that the situation will have changed for the return leg to be played on March 10.

The latter, however, would have to be accepted by Liverpool.

In any case, if no solution is found, UEFA could give up the game for Leipzig 0-3.