
Everton footballer shaved off in support of his son who suffers from alopecia | Football24 News English

Mexico City / 03.02.2021 21:55:48

After thinking a lot, Allan decided to share one of the most difficult stories about her family on social media. The Everton midfielder decided to shave in support of his son, who suffers from alopecia, a disease that causes hair loss And, according to the player’s words, it doesn’t have a treatment.

In his Instagram account, Allan revealed the whole story and where he has even explained that he does not have the answer to the questions that people ask him. But she has decided to show her affection for her son with this decision.

“I thought a lot about whether I should bring up this topic here, because the truth is that I don’t feel so comfortable with it. I’m not sure what words to use, what to say; but after thinking and praying and getting some questions, I came to share with you a path that we have traveled for some time“, he pointed.

When our Miguel was 4 years old, he was diagnosed with alopecia, an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks its own hair follicle. Is it serious? It’s bad? Do you have treatment? He has problems? No. The only big problem with alopecia is aesthetics. Our Miguel is super healthy and he rarely needs to take medicine, thank God ”.

The player revealed that sometimes the child feels sad when he receives the stares of people and so he decided that he himself should look the same to express his solidarity.

“Is genetic? Is it emotional? We don’t know either. Sometimes people ask us, ask us, But there are answers that even we don’t have. In fact, I decided to expose it to preserve it. He is a happy boy, he always laughs! Good with life! The sun of our house. He takes everything well and sometimes makes fun of himself. But sometimes he ends up saddened by the questions and the looks. And I don’t want to see it like that anymore ”, he explained.

“He is so special. Child loved, adorable, chosen and chosen by God. Creator’s masterpiece! Made and perfected the way the Father dreamed for us. We love you!”