
Exciting caravan in pronouncement to say goodbye to the team before the match against River for the Argentine Cup | Football24 News English

Depro fans fired the team before the game against River

One of the main condiments that the Argentina Cup it is the possibility that lower division teams have to face the great clubs with the most history in the country. In this case, the historic opportunity will be Defenders of Pronouncement Club when this Wednesday, February 10, at 9:10 p.m., in front of the Banfield a River Plate for the 32nd final of said competition.

With 335 kilometers to go to reach the site of the Drill, the people of the humble picture of the rise did not want their warriors to leave the city in silence. During the early hours of Tuesday, the bus Depro went out to Buenos Aires Y Pronouncement fired the campus with the help of volunteer firefighters. A huge caravan of cars accompanied the bus carrying the members of the club around 8 in the morning.

The club’s insignia next to the phrase “and its people living a dream” was the decoration of the micro for the exciting occasion. Flares, flags and chants adorned an abnormal morning in the province of Between rivers who now looks forward to the day of the historic match. “So we go !!! The people got up early to say goodbye to their squad that travels to Buenos Aires to face River Plate. Thanks to the BB.VV for accompanying us with their fire engine and to the entire community “wrote the official Depro account on social networks.

Bordet’s letter to Rodolfo D’Onofrio

Among the curiosities that surround the party appeared a striking request for Elvio Bordet, father of the Governor of Entre Ríos Gustavo Bordet and fanatic of the Millionaire: wrote a letter to Rodolfo D’Onofrio via Facebook where he asked River to donate the economic prize to Defensores de Pronunciamiento regardless of the final result of the duel and, in addition, that they give away the shirts used in the meeting. The president of the Millionaire, in conversation with LT9 from Santa Fe, explained what his club will do about it.

“Really being able to play this game against the team of your loves, your people. I read the story, I knew something. I understand perfectly, as it says in the letter that you are going to support the other team for the first time, it is understandable and natural because it is from their town, their place of life, your place of birth. Regarding t-shirts, I already said yes; Regarding money, it’s not that I say no, but first you have to play because at this moment if we say that if we win it is wrong, this is honor. This has to do with sports ethics “, he concluded.


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