
Fans will be able to enter the Atanasio for the final of the BetPlay Cup | Football24 News English

Independiente Medellín and Deportes Tolima will be the teams that will play the final of the BetPlay Cup 2020 after leaving Quindío and Pasto on the road in the semifinals, respectively.

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In the end, The club with the highest score will be local, adding Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, round of 16, quarter-finals and Semifinal that is Independiente Medellín for scoring more points throughout the tournament.

The final will be played next February 11, the day the champion will be known at the Atanasio Girardot. In this regard, the mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quintero made an important announcement after responding to a request from the ‘Rexixtenxia norte’ bar, main of the team.

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The mayor confirmed that the party will have an audience according to the request so that 30 Members of ‘La Murga del Indigente’ could enter the stadium to cheer on the red team of Antioquia in this final match.

“Good news: For the final of the Colombia Cup, Deportivo Independiente Medellín will be able to enter 30 musicians of ‘La Murga del Indigente’ complying with Biosafety protocols. Great work of Councilor Alex Flórez who accompanied us in request to the National Government ”.

In this way, it will be the first game of Colombian soccer that will have assistance to stadiums in a pandemic that has prohibited the entrance of the fans to the scenes.

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