
Footballer Leigh Nicol recounted the ordeal she experienced when her most intimate photos leaked | Football24 News English

Leigh Nicol shared details of the ordeal she experienced when her most intimate photos leaked (Photo: @ n17cx)

They were very difficult moments but Leigh Nicol he smiled again and got go back to football. Currently it is an example of overcoming but a while ago he had to live a true ordeal by leak your most intimate photos on adult websites. For the first time, the Scottish player of the Crystal Palace he dared to tell details of that nightmare.

Leigh, who wore the jerseys of teams like him Reading, London Bees, Milwall Y Charlton Athletic, among others, plunged into a deep depression. At the time she was summoned to the youth teams of Scotland, his mobile phone was hacked and his photos were spread on the Internet. She found out through a private message by Instagram. His world immediately collapsed.

“The fact that I was a soccer player made the images spread quickly without my being able to control it”revealed this week in an interview with Sky Sports.

Leigh Nicol thought about committing suicide when she saw her photos on adult websites (Photo: @ n17cx)

It was in the European spring of 2019 when a hacker logged into your iCloud account and stole private content from five years ago, when you only had 18 years. The spread of the material began to torment her. “I have nieces and nephews who are now reaching that age, who they are proud of me and they want to google mebut it is impossible to do without my name being stuck to the dirt. The clubs didn’t want to identify my name with their brand either“, he claimed.

This whole situation was a great emotional blow for this young midfielder, who stayed away from sport for a while and fell into a deep depression. He had to do therapy because he was mentally affected, to the point that he suffered from eating disorders and put his health at risk.

“I entered a vicious circle. There was never a quiet moment. I still suffer from anxiety and I have times when I can’t get out of bed. Now I can understand why people commit suicide for things like this, because I don’t know how I managed to overcome it. It took a change of perspective and surrounding myself with the right people”, He remarked Nicol.

Leigh Nicol currently plays at Crystal Palace in England (Photo: @ n17cx)

Leigh recently reopened his social media accounts after closing them to avoid having to block more than 300 users per day who wrote obscene and hurtful messages. Although he acknowledged that this problem still persists: “I still receive comments. At least one per night. I have come to normalize it and that hurts me. It’s frustrating to be recognized for just that. “

When signing for Crystal Palace He found the restraint he needed to compose himself and refocus on his sporting career. “The Palace that allows me to be myself. They don’t care about my past “he pointed. In her place in the locker room, where her companions have photos of their loved ones, she put one of the tree in her garden in which she proposed to commit suicide.

“I smile when I look at it. It doesn’t make me sad. He has no negative memories for me. I am very grateful to have been able to overcome that period of my life. It gently reminds me that anything is possible and puts things in perspective for me. Even on game day, when there is a lot of nerves, I just look at the tree and it reminds me that I have overcome worse things”, He confessed.


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