
Formula 1 The World Cup can start with a double appointment in Bahrain | Football24 News English

The evolution of coronavirus pandemic may cause modifications to the F1 planned schedule for 2021. According to the Dutch media Grand Prix Radio worries the situation of Portugal, aspiring to occupy the third GP of the season (May 2), not assigned at the moment. In case Portimao falls off the agenda, it is speculated, always according to information from the Dutch media and in the absence of official confirmation, with which the season start with a double date in Bahrain, March 28 and April 4, which would cause the Italian GP in Ímola to be delayed from April 18 to 25, to allow for the transport of the teams.

Formula 1 would thus emulate MotoGP, which starts with a double at the Losail circuit (Qatar), also on March 28 and April 4. The FIA ​​and the FOM have not yet ruled on the matter, nor on whether the two races in Bahrain would be held on two different versions of the track, as happened in 2020.

The F1 calendar has already undergone variations on the initial plan, since the Australian GP, ​​scheduled to kick off and finally moved to November, was canceled and the tests planned in Montmeló moved to Bahrain.