
Giannina Maradona’s strong responses on Twitter | Football24 News English

He did not shut up. Nothing was saved. Like Maradona, Giannina came out with everything on social networks before certain questions from the television press. And without naming names, he fired heavy ammunition through various sentences.

“The moral judges on TV annihilate me.gift son “, Giannina ripped in her first Twitter post. To later denounce that details that she had told the Justice about her personal life and her father were released at the time. Indignant, she expressed: “I sat in the prosecutor’s office and told such intimate things that I prayed that they never leave there, they left and today I have no safe place to expose ANYTHING. And what is done in my case? journalists make a thousand programs and assumptions about you? “

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Here are the strongest words from Giannina’s release. Again, without giving names, but charging against some characters on the small screen. “My dad for many years was singled out as the most son of a bitch for the adultery he used in his marriage. For having assumed his illness my last name was maradroga. Judged until his last days. How many are covered by the same ones who judge my dad? And their lives? How many without a partition on tv? “, threw.

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And to end his chain of messages, he closed with another categorical, forceful and unfiltered statement. “My dad could sleep peacefully that if we went to have a rhinoscopy with Dalma, everything would turn out spectacular. You?”, he finished. Who did he tell in particular?

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The moral judges on TV annihilate me. Sorry son.

– Gianinna Maradona (@gianmaradona) February 8, 2021

I sat in the prosecutor’s office and told such intimate things that I prayed that they never leave there, they left and today I have no safe place to expose ANYTHING. And what is done in my case? You do not collaborate with justice, because afterwards journalists make a thousand programs and assumptions about you?

– Gianinna Maradona (@gianmaradona) February 8, 2021

My dad for many years was singled out as the most son of a bitch for the adultery he exercised in his marriage. X having assumed his illness, my last name was maradroga. Judged until his last days. How many do they cover who judge my dad? And their lives? How many without a partition on tv?

– Gianinna Maradona (@gianmaradona) February 8, 2021

My father could sleep peacefully that if we went to have a rhinoscopy with Dalma, everything would be spectacular. You?

– Gianinna Maradona (@gianmaradona) February 8, 2021