
How many residents signed up to apply the Covid-19 vaccine in each municipality of the Conurbano | Football24 News English

Although still there are no certainties about when the next stages of coronavirus vaccination, Buenos Aires authorities reinforce the campaigns to encourage residents to sign up. The objective is to make a database with as many people as possible by the time the doses arrive, whose arrival in the country is Late despite the announcements since the end of last year.

Although the number of registered comes in ascent, especially since specialized magazines reported on the high efficiency from Sputnik V, in the Province they aim to achieve greater interest from the population in applying the vaccine.

Because of that there are frequent calls from the provincial Ministry of Health to the municipal authorities of the Conurbano to insist on the importance of disseminating the necessary information (and strategies) to convince people. The reason: if today there were all the vaccines that were promised, the vast majority would be left over because there would be no one to give it to voluntarily.

With an eye on what will be the official vaccination campaign, last week the governor himself Axel Kicillof made a strong criticism against those he considers “anti-vaccine activists“and even called them” miserable “, although he did not identify who he was referring to. Even this Tuesday, the provincial chief of staff, Carlos Bianco, asked at a conference to “stop fucking.”

In Greater Buenos Aires, the number of residents who sign up to receive Sputink V.

According to the latest official data, updated until this Thursday, Hummock tops the list with the highest percentage of residents registered to be vaccinated among the 28 districts of the Suburban. Although it is still low: almost a year after the appearance of the first case of coronavirus in Argentina, only the 16% of his population asked to apply the antibodies. The four communes that follow are: Avellaneda and Almirante Brown with 15%, Vicente Lopez with 14% and Lanús with 12%.

On the other side of the coin, at the bottom of the table, appear the most populous and poorest municipality in the country; and one of the smallest and richest in Greater Buenos Aires: The slaughter with 6% of its citizens signed up and San Isidro with 5%.

The mayor of La Matanza, Fernando Espinoza, one of the first communal chiefs to receive the Sputnik V vaccine against the coronavirus.

Moreno, of the mayor of the Evita Movement, Mariel Fernández, also ranks, but from the bottom up: it has 34,000 registered on almost 640,000 inhabitants: 5%. This municipality, together with Merlo and QuilmesThey were the most infected (in the Conurbano) in relation to its population. This last piece of information can be misleading since it depends on the number of tests that are carried out.

Beyond the GBA, in the context of the summer season, the Municipality of General Pueyrredón (Mar del Plata) of the macrista Guillermo Montenegro started very low with the number of his neighbors interested in receiving Sputnik V but managed to climb to a 12% of its registered citizens.

In the short-term projections, it is estimated that the waiting list to receive the vaccine will continue to increase during the following days. So far, each district has received two batches of 450 dose and 500 for the second that are being applied to health workers.

Once this first stage is completed – in which the application is carried out in provincial and municipal hospitals – teachers and aides from the public and private sector, security personnel, adults over 60 years of age and people over 60 years of age will have priority to vaccinate. 18 years with risk factors.

“The vaccine will serve to lower the viral circulation in the Province. If everything continues as expected, by the middle of the year almost 70% of the population will be immunized,” said Daniel Gollán, Buenos Aires Minister of Health.

Collaboration: Bárbara Villar