
“If a police station takes me, I go and shoot them out” | Football24 News English

“If a police station takes me, I go and shoot them, as appropriate.” Sergio Berni he’s not sleeping well. We will see why later. Who speaks is himself – “put everything I tell you, uh … put everything …” -, as a result of a new police protest that is brewing on social networks for next week.

-María Eugenia Vidal made her campaign promising that the Buenos Aires Police would earn the same as the City Police. The policemen of the Province were hooked on their salaries with the increases to teachers. As they had trouble with the teachers’ unions, they unhooked them and then the teachers were increased and the police officers were not. How I finish? That the policemen lost 30 percent of their salary during the administration of the previous governor….

-Well, what are you going to do now?

-Don’t you see that you won’t let me talk? Why are you calling me if you don’t let me talk?

Berni sounds angry. It feels cornered. We will see why later.

-We, together with Governor Kicillof, committed ourselves to a historic repair: to equate the Buenos Aires police with the salaries of the federal forces, and we are already starting with the lowest ranks.

-But the feds earn more …

-Well, that was uncomfortable again two days ago, when the Federal Government increased again, but then they were equated …

In addition to the salary, the police ask for such basic things as bulletproof vests in good condition, ammunition and “That uniforms be provided each semester, according to size and physical build” of each officer. I mean, don’t give a big man an S and a short one an XL.

-Do you know what I did with the vests? I called Fabricaciones Militares and told them ‘I want all the production of new bulletproof vests. All, complete. I buy it all, now. ‘

-And how many vests are there?

-Don’t you see that you won’t let me talk? Why are you calling me if you won’t let me speak? Now I don’t quite remember how many there are, but here we have to understand that it is the world that is in crisis. The production of everything dropped. We also buy 2,500 patrol cars that are already paid but neither Toyota nor Ford are delivering.

– Are the protesting policemen right?

-No. This is not a negotiation. We make a historical repair, not a joint one. Some of the things they say are real but we inherited them from Vidal.

Berni talks about the police strike, but feels cornered by a deep dilemma about when to leave a position that already weighs on you: if he stays in Security, he is guaranteed the exposure that the management gives him, and that he enjoys, while he sees in the surveys how he is one of the best known leaders of the Province. If he leaves to launch his own candidacy, he will lose visibility and face a strange speech: how would he criticize the insecurity if he was the minister?

Before cutting, Berni ups the ante with the suit cowboy without patent that you feel best suits you: “And what am I going to do if a police station takes me? I go and shoot them … that’s what I have to do ”.

Nor is it that anger that keeps you from sleeping. His intimates swear that Berni “He’s really not sleeping well” why wants to go now.

As he hinted several times, he does not feel comfortable with Alberto Fernández. “This national project does not represent him, and many mornings he gets up wondering what he is doing here”, confirms someone unconditionally to the minister, long after Berni cut off.

Something to look at: her thinking usually reflects, without a filter, that of Cristina Kirchner.