
In a fought match, Atenas lost by five points to San Lorenzo | Football24 News English

Atenas could not against San Lorenzo de Almagro in a new match corresponding to the regular phase of the National Basketball League (LNB). The Greek arrived with confidence due to the victory obtained against Ferro, but this time he fell against the current four-time champion by 72- 67.

The remarkable thing is that the Cordovan team presented a good level against one of the most complicated teams in the tournament, and they stayed in the game for almost the entire game.


So we left#VamosElGriego pic.twitter.com/CeAqIfW5es

The first quarter ended tied at 18 with a good game from Martinez, who was the top scorer for Atenas in that set.

And continuing on that track, the second started well for the Greek who got up 22-18. However, with the passing of the minutes, San Lorenzo became more and more established on the court and began to dominate the game.

The good Barça level added to the defensive errors of the Greek made Boedo’s men go to the dressing room ten points up (43-33) after the end of the quarter.

However, Athens fell back in the third chapter and thanks to an 8-0 run, jumped up on the scoreboard. The meeting was much more even in this room compared to the previous one. However, San Lorenzo finished better and closed it 63-57 in their favor.

The last set was fought but Athens did not have a concrete chance of staying with the game beyond narrowing the difference on several occasions. The Cyclone ended up winning 72-67 with a good role for the Cordoba team beyond the defeat.

Atenas will return to juvar next Thursday at 11 in the morning against Boca.