
Intermittent fasting, key in improving Marcos Llorente’s performance | Football24 News English

Marcos Llorente is one of the Atlético de Madrid footballers whose market value has grown in recent months and his name is already a fixture in all Diego Pablo Simeone’s lineups. The versatile player offers spectacular physical performance and in the past he has already revealed some of his secrets, such as a mainly Paleolithic diet with real food or a 35,000 euro mattress that contributes to muscle recovery.

Now, the footballer has participated in a talk with Carlos Pérez to talk about the intermittent fasting, the central theme of one of the books published by the author. -This practice consists of not eating food in an interval of between 12 and 16 hours a day, so that a person who practices it will not be able to eat anything from the time they eat until lunch the next day.

According to Llorente, since he carried it out, his physical level has increased because it helps him not to arrive heavy at training: “I feel very good energetically and I don’t need breakfast to go to training. Like when I am hungry and I am able to move without having eaten anything. In fact, when I had breakfast before going to training, I did it without my body asking me to. When I started listening to my body, the performance improvement has been very good, “he explained.

His interlocutor added that “there is scientific evidence that intermittent fasting, logically customized to each situation and person, improves the immune system and, therefore, it also has a very positive consequence for elite athletes like Marcos. “

Llorente did not usually have too much breakfast, but the change has been remarkable: “I used to have little breakfast, because I didn’t get much at that time. Some smoothie or some fruit,” he revealed before revealing how he got into that routine. “It was when I was in Vitoria. A little for my father, who already practiced it, but I still didn’t believe in that much. It was not difficult for me to make that change, because when I woke up many days I did not feel like having breakfast. It was not a change that cost me a lot. And at the level of intensity with the team I didn’t notice anything, so I kept doing it continuously “.

The result, obviously, has been very positive, as the ’14’ has carved a hole in the hearts of the Atléticos despite his past Madridista based on work, dedication, goals and assists. “I am sure that in everything that has happened to me during the last one some fault has Regenera Elite“, the program in which he has been working with Carlos Pérez for a long time.

In addition, in his social networks Marcos promotes a healthy lifestyle in which sports and of course healthy food must have a great presence. A few weeks ago he announced his collaboration with a Spanish kombucha firm, but he has also launched a personalized sports training program and is a partner of a restaurant with the same values, ‘Naked and Sated’.