
“It only occurs to me that Ansu has started exercising too early” | Football24 News English

The doctor Miquel Llobet, a renowned traumatologist, analyzed the problems in the recovery of Ansu
Fati, who had to return almost two weeks ago to the doctor’s operating room Ramon
Cugat, two and a half months after having been operated on on November 9 by the same specialist for a fracture of the medial meniscus in his left knee.

In an interview to the program ‘Until
Costa‘(Catalunya Ràdio), the specialist Llobet affected that Ansu he started to recover earlier than expected after an operation of this type: “It is bad news that he went through the operating room again almost three months later. The evolution of a meniscal suture, which is a box suture that had to be done with an 18-year-old boy, implies that another arthroscopy does not have to be done in between. I have verified the information and from what they say is that there has been an inflammation in the knee due to an allergic reaction, which is very strange. Everything can cause allergies, including eating a banana. I have an explanation. The only thing I can think of is that Ansu
Fati they have started exercising too early and they have certainly rushed into recovery ”. In the program ‘Our’ (Esport3), where Llobet also intervened later, it was confirmed that Ansu he had started to recover before the two months were up.

The doctor Llobet He gave a clearer example: “A suture is like when you are sewn on one hand until biology makes the skin heal and the doctors remove the stitches. For example, if you have a foot injury and after a few days you kick a balloon, this suture will fail and the wound will reopen. Well, a meniscal suture is more or less this and requires a protection time. And that does not mean being quiet or not exercising, but there are a number of things that cannot be done ”.

Act and then, the doctor wanted to clarify that “the responsibility of the surgery of Ansu
Fati It is not from any doctor who is on the staff of Barça’s medical services. Ansu You choose a surgeon to operate on you and he decides everything: from the type of intervention to the type of recovery. Therefore, the medical services of the Barça they are spectators of a situation. Maybe I’m wrong ”. The doctor Llobet He added: “Maybe I’m wrong.” And he recalled that the same lack of responsibility has Barça in the operation of Philippe
Coutinho, “To whom the same meniscus suture was made, by the doctor Joan Carles Monllau”.

And going back to Ansu, he recalled that “being the best we have in the BarçaIf they said in April, maybe we should have waited for June ”.