
Laso, on the injured: “Garuba and Taylor worry” | Football24 News English

Pablo Laso, Real Madrid coach, explained after his team’s victory against Movistar Estudiantes by 65-79 that they knew it was going to be a match “very difficult and complicated” That, in his opinion, was resolved by the good defensive work of his players and their improvement in attack in the second half.

“In the first half we had a very low shooting percentage and we improved a lot in the second. Defensively the work has been good throughout the game, although we lacked a bit of offensive rhythm and in the second quarter they have been superior “explained on the wheel press.

He considered that he was facing a derby “strange” since while that schoolboys have only been able to play one game in the last forty days, your team has played nine in the last three weeks, “although they are the things of the calendar and we have to accept them “.

“Our staging has been very good and we have gained an advantage that with his push we have lost, but our second half he was very serious offensively and defensively “added the Vitorian coach, that this Sunday he equaled Lolo Sainz as coach with the most matches in the history of the Real Madrid basketball section, upon arrival at 734.

Finally, asked how his team reaches the Copa del Rey, answered that from the physical point of view he could not answer because this Sunday two other players -Usman Garuba and Jeffery Taylor- retired headgear and will have to wait for medical tests. “We have to see the rest. I hope they are well, let’s see how Usman and Jeff are, who are the ones that worry me the most because Rudy [Fernández], Nico [Laprovittola] Y [Sergio] Llull I hope they can rejoin, he concluded.