
Lautaro de Buin achieved promotion to the B after proclaiming himself champion of the Second Division | Football24 News English

Lautaro de Buin achieved glory this Monday in Chilean football, by proclaiming himself champion of the Second Division and ascend to the First B, thanks to a demanded 2-1 win over General Velasquez.

In a match played at the El Teniente Stadium, the “Toqui” team was in advantage much of the time thanks to the goals from Nicolás Gutiérrez (13 ‘) and Giovanni Bustos (33’), while the “Greens” discounted via Job Bogmis (84′).

After the match, the team led by Carlos Encinas had to hope that Fernández Vial did not win, which happened with a 1-1 draw between “Aurinegros” and Deportes Colina.

In this way, Lautaro de Buin was awarded the Second Division title, and ensured his presence in the First B for the 2021 season, category in which you will play for the first time in your history.

Lautaro de Buin receives the trophy that accredits him as champion of the Second Division 2020, ascending to the First B. #CooperativeInHome @alairelibrecl pic.twitter.com/lbxgtBvIpD

– Ricardo Obando (@ricardoobando) February 8, 2021