
Luis Ventura revealed unpublished data from his meetings with Diego Maradona and the true reasons for his departure from Intruders | Football24 News English

This Thursday, Jorge Rial officially announced his departure from Intruders, the show that ran across America’s screen for two decades. From that moment, speculation began about who would be his possible replacement. And so, the names of two of his historical collaborators began to ring out loud: Viviana Canosa and Luis Ventura. While the announcer denied her return to the gossip program on the networks, Ventura referred to that possibility for the first time this Saturday in a radio interview.

In dialogue with Catalina Dlugi in her cycle Hold on Catalina, the journalist explained: “If today’s Rial is the one I know, I can’t quite believe that it will Intruders. He has left on other occasions, and then he came back, he leaves, he tries and if he doesn’t like it he comes back. I have already experienced this and they have already told me about it once ”.

Then, he explained how his incorporation into the cycle took place and what his role was: “When he went to look for me, I was on Channel 13, on Radio Diez and on Crónica. It’s not that I joined a project that was already working. Generally, when you have a duo of drivers there is the bid to see who takes the lead, but I was clear about my place. I was there to assist him and give him journalistic support. In the last two contracts, I asked not to be on the floor, because I felt that the program was going the other way and there was a lack of journalistic content. Since I left, I did not see more Intruders. I left a program that measured two digits. I left loved and respected by my colleagues, and with whom I had some difference, taking Jorge out, I was able to solve them ”, he revealed.

It is that, after years of camaraderie in front of the cameras and friendship in real life, the moment came when Ventura stopped being part of the show’s team. And his departure, far from being peaceful, was so scandalous that it ended the camaraderie that bound him to Rial for more than 30 years.

Regarding the reason for his departure from the program, he explained: “The only thing that was clear to me is that Rial threw me, and he never told me to my face. There are signs. Take a look at how each one was positioned over time. I am a journalist with hard information. I inform, I am not against the people ”.

And he continued: “There was a meeting that we both had in the dressing room, in which he said he wanted to take care of me because he saw me very shot. He was a very possessive person, and he was angry with some of my activities. Someone later told me that he needed to get himself out of the spotlight and for that he put me. At that meeting, at a certain point he told me: ‘You always made the wrong choice.’

“I had chosen to work with Moria Casán in the theater, with Panam in a child and with Ricardo Fort. Because of a problem he had with Ricardo, I got angry and didn’t go to the program for a week. A mutual friend, then, plans a ‘blind date’. He quotes me in a place and Rial and the one who was his wife then appear. He apologized because he had an outburst with me, linking Fort with his family and I had nothing to do with it. It hurt me that he flirted with that in front of everyone, because if there is someone who loved him and who still loves Rial, it is me. I really loved that friend that he was. I cannot give up 35 years of friendship. I’m still the same, I didn’t change ”, he explained.

And then he gave an indication of what he considers to be one of the reasons that led his friend to dispense with his services: “A week before the Fort happened, I had met with Diego Maradona. Diego had sent for me, despite the fact that at that moment he was extremely confronted with me. Before, he had sent me to say through the lawyer Víctor Stinfale that he was paying me a ticket to Dubai to screw me up, and I replied that I had no problems, that all he asked was that I be alone, not to be kicked ”.

“When Stinfale appears again, he tells me: ‘At the gate of the canal you have two vans that are waiting for you to come to my office. Maradona is waiting for you. The trucks took me to Ramos Mejía and that meeting with Maradona transcended. It was ‘the’ theme, because I had said atrocities about him and he about me. In that meeting, among other things, Maradona speaks very badly of Jorge and I do not allow it, because I told him he was my friend. So he says to me: ‘Your friend wants to do a business with me for a million dollars and I won’t bank it,’ “he continued.

“After that meeting, one day Maradona calls me on the phone and tells me that he wants to see me. “Bring me all the documentation you have on the Miami apartments,” he says. That’s when I go and meet Maradona in the El Trébol neighborhood of Ezeiza. Actually, they summon me to a service station and Verónica Ojeda’s father comes to pick me up in a car and I follow him in the car to the house. When I enter Diego Maradona is with Diego Fernando on his lap and Verónica goes to the father’s. We stayed there for about two hours talking, ”he recalled.

And he added: “There we change figurines. I gave him what I had and he clarified some things for me, confirmed others. It was the time when I had put the photo of Jorge Taiana with Benjamin on the cover of Paparazzi. That was the confirmation of what he sensed and everyone denied him. He hired three detective agencies to try to confirm that. [que Taiana, pareja de Claudia Villafañe, tenía contacto con el hijo de Giannina Maradona y Sergio ‘Kun’ Agüero], and it ends up confirming Paparazzi ”.

He also revealed an anecdote as strong as it was crazy: “At that time, the one on that cover, I was doing the Ogre So’Vo ‘, at the Astros theater, with Panama. The day that I came from IntrudersAnd when I arrived my partner, Omar Rinaldi, was waiting for me to put on the ogre costume and when I go out, one of the theater ushers comes and tells me that they were looking for me. There were a couple of guys with a police officer. They were looking for me to deliver a letter document from Claudia Villafañe to stop Paparazzi from leaving through the Taiana cover. I was standing next to them, dressed as an ogre, and they never realized it was me and they never notified me. “

And he concluded: “Jorge Rial, in that meeting that we have in the dressing room on my last day of IntrudersBefore closing the door he tells me: ‘You always made the wrong choice. I don’t know why you had to hang out with that trash head. ‘ I told him that I didn’t see how that affected him and the program. Because that meeting with Maradona had nothing to do with Intruders”.


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