
Lyn May reveals grim experience: she dug up one of her husbands to sleep with him | Football24 News English

The renowned star, exotic dancer and actress, Lyn May, made a tremendous confession to Gustavo Adolfo Infante in an interview for his television program, as he revealed that he dug up from the grave whoever was her husband for 25 years, because she could not let him go nor did she get the idea of ​​losing him forever.

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It was about the Chinese restaurateur Antonio Chi-Xuo, with whom she was married for 25 years and with whom she married through the church. The couple were together from 1989 to 2008, so when the love of their life Lyn May died, she could not resign herself to letting him go, as she confessed to the journalist from Imagen Televisión, who questioned her if it is true that she had taken her spouse from the grave.

“Yes I dug it up, I always had it there in my bed. My mother fought with me every day, she told me ‘you are not going to let him rest’, we fought every day because I would not let go of him, he was my partner, I lived 25 years with him, a 25-year marriage. I didn’t want to let him go, I wanted him ”, the internationally known star was honest.

Even, Lyn She assured that the decision to unearth her husband caused her to have many problems with her mother; “I dug him up, he slept with him, my mother fought all the time, at night she said to me ‘daughter, let him rest, let him go’, I said no, I am not going to let him go until one day my mother convinced me , and he was the only one I married in the church, a great man ”.

“I was always very lucky with men”

Lyn May revealed that in her life, fortunately she was always very successful with men and also joked with Gustavo Adolfo about how lucky she was that she never had mothers-in-law; “I was very lucky with the men. I had such good men, except the father of my daughters, the first two. Guillermo and Antonio were the best that touched me. The others, very good for bed, “confessed the great actress of Mexican cinema.

Although he also opened up about his terrible experience with the father of his daughters

Although in love Lyn May She was very fortunate, the first great experience she had in this field was traumatic and very hard for her, and that is that at age 16, being a minor, she was forced to marry a Mexican sailor, who was 26 years older than she. They lived 3 years in a free union and that relationship is described by the famous as stormy, where in addition, they experienced physical violence.

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