
Municipalities in red in Bizkaia: Berango, Lezama and Barrika enter the red zone and tomorrow they will also be without bars or school sports | Football24 News English

Berango is the last municipality in Bizkaia with more than 5,000 inhabitants to overcome the red contagion zone and, consequently, tomorrow, Friday, its hotel business will be forced to close and its 7,217 neighbors will be unable to practice school or group sports. The new infections registered yesterday raise to 509, 29 cases its incidence rate in 14 days below 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Below 5,000 inhabitants, Barrika, Lezama and Etxebarria are those that have also overcome this barrier and, consequently, their residents will also be affected by these restrictions added to the general ones implemented throughout the Basque Country.

Among the Biscayan towns with more than 5,000 registered people, only Ermua leaves this black list, which has managed to lower its infection rate to 449.7, which will be freed from these added restrictions. And Sestao manages to keep the spread of the virus at bay for another week, which has even managed to drop 60 points this week, to 407.40 cases, with which it will continue with open hospitality and the practice of school and group sports, at less, until the new review next Monday.

This situation implies that There are still more than a million Biscayan people who, at least until Monday, in addition to the curfew and municipal confinement, will not be able to use the hotel business in their municipalities. Specifically 1,005,000 in a total of 56 municipalities, once Ermua and those with a population of less than 5,000 inhabitants have been subtracted and who have also managed to leave the red zone, which means that they are almost 20,000 fewer residents than in the resolution issued by the Basque Government’s Health Department last Monday.

Among the municipalities with more than 5,000 inhabitants in the red zone, Abadiño, AmorebietaEtxano, Andoain, Arrigorriaga, Balmaseda, Barakaldo, Basauri, Bermeo, Bilbao, Derio, Durango, Elorrio, Erandio, Ermua, Galdakao, Gernika-Lumo, Getxo, Güeñes, Leioa, Lekeitio, Lezo, Markina-Xemein, Mungia Muskiz, Ortuella, Portugalete, Santurtzi, Sopela, Trapagaran and Zalla.

The panorama does present changes between localities with fewer than 5,000 residents. There are more exits than entrances. They leave the red zone Arantzazu, Gamiz-Fika, Gordexola, Lemoa, Maruri, Mendexa, Meñaka and Ziortza-Bolivar. Alonsotegi, Arrieta, Atxondo, Barrika, Berriz, Etxebarria, Galdames, Gatika, Iurreta, Karrantza Harana / Valle de Carranza, Laukiz, Lemoiz, Lezama, Loiu, Plentzia, Sondika, Sopuerta, Urduliz, Urkabustaiz, Zaldibar, Zamudio and Zaratamo.