
“My wish is to go to River, it is a dream” | Football24 News English

Minutes after the vice president of Colón, Horacio Darrás, publicly stated that “for Alex Vigo there is no formal offer from any club,” the voice of the right-back himself was heard and not only shook Santa Fe: the tremor reached Núñez. “River came back to look for me like last year, and for whatever reason I had to stay. And the truth is that this makes me very happy … They made an offer, spoke with my representative and called Vignatti (president of Sabalero ). And my wish is to go to River, what remains is for the negotiations to end“said the 21-year-old in a talk with TyC.

Thus, in a forceful way, Vigo -who also appeared in Boca’s orbit- revealed a situation that contrasts with what the Sabalero leader had previously stated. And in turn, the statement exposed the defender’s desire to leave for Núñez. “It is my desire to go to River, it is a dream, I always wanted to go there. I have it at the door … I did not speak with Gallardo, the only thing is that the River leadership spoke with my representative“added the player for whom the CARP would be willing to disburse 1.5M dollars for half of his token.

And in turn, Vigo took the opportunity to pressure the CD de Colón to advance the negotiations and reach a successful conclusion … “The president (José Vignatti) had promised me that if there was another possibility for River, he would let me go. The other time I stayed, so I hope he keeps his promise … Meanwhile, I am going to continue training one hundred percent because I am a professional, “he assured. And he even confessed that he already chatted with the DT of Sabalero, Eduardo Domínguez, “and I told him I wanted to go”. It is worth remembering that the soccer player renewed his contract with said institution until December 2024 …

In this way, the player’s desire has already been exposed and we will only have to wait to know if that offer that his representative received will also be effective in the club. Will it be a reinforcement of Marcelo Gallardo’s team?

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