
Nissan and Repsol join forces to promote the recharging network in Spain | Football24 News English

On the way to boost electric mobility in Spain without a doubt the charging infrastructure it has a fundamental role. Our country is one of those that still has the most duties to do in all of Europe, representing only one 2.9% of the total charging infrastructure for electric vehicles installed in Europe, a fact that contrasts with the 10% of sales of electric vehicles that Spain already represents within the total EU and the 15% of manufacturing total vehicles.

That is why the different actors involved in this drive to elecrification, whether from the private sector with car manufacturers and energy companies, as well as the public, agree that it is necessary to give a boost to the development of this infrastructure. This has been evidenced by the different guests at the last Foro Nissan Webinar called “Reflections on the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles” in which, in addition to talking about the importance of this aspect in promoting electric mobility in Spain, as well as the problems and challenges they must face, Nissan has announced a new collaboration agreement with Repsol precisely to promote the fast recharging network for electric vehicles through the energy company’s service stations.

15 new points, and bonuses

The CEO of Nissan Iberia, Bruno Mattucci, has been in charge of announcing this new agreement between both companies that will begin to be implemented with the installation of 15 charging points in Repsol stations, which could be expanded with new subsequent installations. This initiative will also allow customers who own an electric Nissan to benefit from a 50% fee discount when they use Repsol’s public recharging network, which currently has more than 250 charging points in public areas, including 70 fast-charging points, and recently the first two ultra-fast charging points on the Iberian Peninsula, to which there are more than 1,000 private terminals installed in companies and homes.

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As explained María Victoria Zingoni, General Director of Customer and Low Carbon Generation of Repsol, invited to this new Webinar Forum, the intention is to offer a Intelligent Network that offers the necessary energy wherever it is needed, always coming from renewable energies, with a great role for the runners that allow to move with guarantees throughout the Spanish geography.

The challenges: simplify procedures and encourage purchases

At the same time, the speakers present at the forum recognize that one of the great problems of the current infrastructure is the excessive administrative and bureaucratic obstacles that slow down the implementation of this structure too much, something that the third guest to the forum, the Deputy Minister of the Environment of the Community of Madrid Mariano González, who has recognized that the administration has duties in this regard, pointing out that it is necessary to seek a model of simplification with unified criteria.

All agree that, to finish promoting electric mobility in Spain, it is essential streamline permits for the installation of new charging infrastructures, incentivize the purchase of electric vehicles with fiscal measures such as the reduction of VAT in this class of models and also more stable incentive plans, in addition to apply new pedagogy with the consumer to adapt to a new way of refueling different from that of a traditional combustion car.

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