
Phil Foden’s video as Man City mascot at age seven is pure gold | Football24 News English

With only 20 years Phil Foden has become one of the great figures of the mighty Manchester City, which is currently first in the Premier League.

Last weekend he scored a great goal in the important 4-1 win over the Liverpool on Anfield Road, setting the tone for the week in the English media.

In this context, the Mancuniano club discovered a video in which the English footballer acts as a mascot in a duel against the Sunderland in November 2007.

In the scene you can see that he takes the hand of the Bulgarian Martin Petrov and then jump onto the pitch to greet rival players.

At that time, Foden was seven years old and no one could have foreseen that only 10 years later he would debut for the first team, when in 2017 Guardiola made him play against him Feyenoord by Champions League.

Foden referred to that moment in an interview with Football Daily: “I wanted to get out of hand with Micah Richads, but I ended up dating Petrov.”

“The disappeared one par of tiros has Joe Hart and then I ended up in his dressing room, “he commented.