
Quimsa lost the Intercontinental | Football24 News English

The prize was huge, to be recognized as an intercontinental champion, but for such a nickname, the task was just as complicated. And Quimsa, despite not giving him to lift the cup, won the recognition of San Pablo Burgos, champion of the Champions League (second international competition in the Old Continent) and fifth in the Spanish league. The triumph was for the Iberians by 82-73, who had to perspire to take the trophy in Obras.

One of the reasons why the Intercontinental did not stay in the country was the enormous performance of the visitors in the first two quarters and the poor national performance, which was not fine from the triple and paid for each of their mistakes. The 56-32 after the first 20 minutes explains the procedure a bit: while one holed everything, the other defended badly and did not score on attack occasions. To maintain that rhythm, San Pablo Burgos was heading for a historic beating in a duel between South Americans and Europeans that was always favorable for those from the Old Continent.

Quimsa did a good job and was left with the desire.

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However, in the final quarters there was a response from Quimsa, who hurt the Spanish during their potholes. Going to lose by 26, he entered the third period -12 and with a minimal chance. That chance grew when in the final stage it was put to 5. The physical wear and the experience of San Pablo Burgos was decisive in the closing.

The winner’s top scorer was Brazilian Vítor Benite, with 19 points, with a solid 5 of 8 on triples. This shooting guard performance earned him the definition’s Most Valuable Player (MVP) award. On the Santiago side, what was done by Brandon Robinson stood out, who not only breaks it in the National League, but also shows his power in all competitions: he closed with 25 points, 7 rebounds and 2 assists.

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Works was the scene of the international definition.