
Real Madrid: Luka Jovic defines himself as “a real fox” | Football24 News English

It is Luka Jovic a scorer, a real player or is he really better behind a 9? In one of the many doubts that he left in his dark passage through Madrid. A few weeks ago I returned to Bundesliga and in an interview on the German league website, he himself has voiced how he sees his game: “I’m a fox from the area.”

Your style of play: “It is not for me to say. Others should, but I can say that I am a fox in the area and I am always well positioned.”

His time in Madrid: “It was difficult at first. I was 21 years old. It took me a while to settle down and understand the fact that I was with the best players in the world for the last 10 years in various positions. I have learned a lot and have come back with more experience. I have improved and grown up in Madrid, even if it’s a different dimension. It was an honor to play for the biggest club in the world and a joy to train with the best players in the world. There are players you learn from every day. Training against the best defenders was a good education for me. “

Jovic: “It is easier to communicate with Htter than with Zidane”

Decision to return to Germany: “My goal was to play more. It’s the main reason I decided to come back.”

Is he a star in the Bundesliga ?: “Not at all. I’ve come back to regain a bit of confidence, to go back to my previous level, not to be called a star. I’m back because it was the best option for me right now.”

His reference forwards: “Many. Many. Ronaldo, then Ibrahimovic, but it was Falcao who I saw the most. I think we have a similar style of play and I would like to be as successful as him one day.”