
Real Madrid transfers | The best analysis of Milinkovic-Savic, the Serbian star of Serie A | Football24 News English

The Real MadridAs the biggest and most important club in history, it unleashes all kinds of passions, with many players who yearn for and dream of being able to one day wear the Madrid shirt and shield. The last to declare his passion and his feeling for the Whites was one of the stars of Serie A: Sergej Milinkovic-Savic. The Serbian player has confessed this last week that his dream “has always been to play for Madrid”. A gesture that also comes after it has been a little out of the merengue orbit in recent months. His tremendous irruption two seasons ago made several important clubs in Europe interested in his signing, including the Madrid team. However, those rumors were slowed down until they disappeared from the white radar. Now, after his latest statements and the need for Real Madrid to strengthen its squad, he again comes to the fore and today in Bernabéu Digital We analyze this Balkan midfielder from the hand of our teammates The Scouting App, the best software for professional scouts and technical secretaries.

At 25, Milinkovic-Savic is still has the potential to continue improving and improving its current quality (8/10) to outstanding (9/10). He is, without a doubt, one of the best attacking midfielders in Europe. Has a 7.1 / 10 tactical average where it stands out its verticality (8.2 / 10), his tactical intelligence (8.2 / 10), their uncheck (8/10) and his ball catch (7.9 / 10). In the physical facet, with an average background of 7.5/10, highlights your aerobic capacity (8.3 / 10), fruit of his 1.91m high; his power (8.6 / 10) and his balance (8.1 / 10).

Also, regarding the technical part, the Serbian has an average of 7.4/10 where it stands out for its ball control (8.6 / 10), his play under pressure (8.3 / 10), his precision (8/10) and his oriented control (8/10). Finally, in the mental aspect (7.3 / 10) stands out for its composure (8.5 / 10), his professionalism (8.3 / 10) Y their ability to overcome a negative situation (8.2 / 10). In short, a player with great qualities that make him one of the stars of Serie A and one of the future of Real Madrid.