
Referents of regional and national sports support Manuel Polgatiz’s candidacy for councilor for Rancagua | Football24 News English

A strong support received in the last hours, the independent candidate for RN, Manuel Polgatiz, who is applying to obtain, next April 11, a seat on the Rancagua municipal council.

Yerson Opazo (former O’Higgins player), Esteban Toloza (3rd in the world in the master weightlifting category); Joel Molina (former O’Higgins player); Juan Carlos Pardo (member of the technical staff of the Chilean karate team at the Pan American in Lima); and Antonio Cabrera (gold medal in the Madison, cycling, Pan-American event in Lima), support and encourage the communications advisor, who currently works for the National Sports Institute.

Yerson Opazo, O’Higgins’s historical side and champion with the “Celeste” in 2013, points out that, “I have known Manuel and the Polgatiz family for a long time and I know of their commitment to the city. We need young people, with a different vision of the present day and who know the demands of the Rancagüinos ”.

Along the same path, Esteban Toloza, highlights the presence, “in the dissemination of sport in general and weightlifting in particular. He has selflessly been with us and the athletes, that shows that he is a person with a concern, not only sports, but also social. We would be very happy if you represent us on the new municipal council. “

Manuel Polgatiz, 42 years old, began his career in the newspaper El Rancagüino, then had steps through the Government Seremía and the Municipality of Graneros. On radio, he has always been linked to Radio Rancagua and today he works in the sports program Los Protagonistas.

Juan Carlos Pardo, Karate sensei, emphasizes the collaborative spirit, “and always active of Manuel. I feel that he is a very capable, intelligent and assertive man, who knows the city and knows where municipal work needs to be reinforced. He has our full support ”.

Finally, the Pan-American medalist, Antonio Cabrera, said that this step in Manuel’s life, “is very important to change the politicians of always and who already had their chance. It is time for the replacement and he can lead that process with the experience in the field that he has already acquired “