
Rio Negro News – With beach basketball and duathlon, the sporting competition once again encouraged Rio Negro | Football24 News English

Hand in hand with the people from Rio Negro who competed in beach basketball and duathlon in different parts of the province, this weekend the sport once again became one of the undisputed protagonists of the summer.

Six teams from different locations participated in General Roca of the beach basketball tournament, organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, which took place at the Del Progreso club facilities.

Cipolletti’s “Drink Team” was consecrated in the female branch, while in the male “Los Primoz”, made up of local players and from Villa Regina, they took first place. At the end of the event there was also an exhibition of the Argentine League team from Club Del Progreso that later participated in the beach basketball awards.

On the other hand, in Fernández Oro there was also play in the sand, although in this case not in a competitive way since the town of Valletta hosted an exhibition and recreational practice of beach newcom focused on the elderly, deployed by Río Negro Deporte and the Municipal Sports Directorate.

Once again in the field of competition, Jacobacci enjoyed the first Cross Duathlon of 2021, organized by the local Sports Coordination with the accompaniment of the Sports Events department of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports.

23 teams from different parts of the province participated in categories established according to the sum of ages, with a total of 46 athletes on stage who had to overcome 28 km of route, 8 km corresponding to running and 20 km of cycling.

Regarding the winners, the Free Mix went to Yuliana Nuilcafil and Nicolás Rucal with a time of 1h22m53s, while in up to 70 years Mauricio Laciar and Sebastian Laurin were consecrated, who stopped the timers at 1h11m45s.

In the category 71 to 90 years, Rene Calfin and Gonzalo Collado did the same with 1h23m23s and finally in more than 90 years the winners were Rafael Gil and Néstor Martínez who crossed the finish line in 1h21m56s.

It should be noted that in all activities a strict sanitary protocol was maintained in order to avoid the spread of COVID-19.