
Salto Grande continues with its training :: EL HERALDO | Football24 News English

Since the beginning of 2021, at the Salto Grande Club the basketball training sessions have been carried out by the coordinator of the discipline, Héctor “Carita” Aranda.

Practices are held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6 to 7 p.m. for the Pacifier and Mosquito category, while the Premini and Mini do the same from 7 to 8 p.m. On the other hand, the U13 and U15, train from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

“We have been training quite intensely these days, doing basketball, fitness and gym,” said Erich Bachmann, one of the players in the institution’s training categories. Underlining that the objectives set by the team “is to arrive in the best way when we start to play”, although he admitted that “it will be complicated and difficult”.

Personally, Bachmann remarked that for this year “I hope to achieve the goals that I set myself”, one of them is “to be able to be in the National Team of Concordia and Entre Ríos”, as well as “perform in the best way.”

Finally, the young man recalled that in 2019 he joined the Concordia National Team in the Entrepreneur U13 Championship, where the Concordian team became undefeated champion by beating Paraná 84-71. In the final of that tournament, Eric had 28 points and 11 rebounds.

In addition, the Club Salto Grande player was part of the Entre Ríos National Team, in the Argentine U13. In the event, Eric hung the silver medal, after the provincial team lost in the final to Córdoba 85-76.

Those interested in being part of the Salto Grande Club basketball school should contact the institution’s secretariat, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., by calling 431-0875 or by going to the club itself, in Lamadrid street at 1998 .


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