
Section 15 of the CTM asks the government not to remove medical insurance or credits from Interjet workers | Football24 News English

Section 15 of the CTM requested the Institute of the National Workers ‘Consumption Fund (Fonacot) and the Institute of the National Workers’ Housing Fund (Infonavit) to grant extensions in the payments of the employees of Interjet, who have not received their salary since August and are on strike.

In addition, the union representation issued an official letter addressed to the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) to ask that the medical benefits of the airline workers not be canceled.

In the three promotions, of which The financial has a copy, section 15 explains that credit and social security payments have not been made by the company, founded by the Alemán family, since the previous February.

However, uncovered payments are not the responsibility of the workers, but correspond to Interjet.

In addition, the union representative, Joaquín del Olmo, explained in the documents that the company discounted IMSS fees and housing and consumer loans; however, it did not hand over the resources to the institute.

Interjet has about 5,000 unionized employees, who have accumulated at least 6 months without receiving wages and whose contributions have not been covered despite being withheld by the company.

According to article 109 of the Social Security Law, employees who are left without paid work will enjoy medical service for 8 weeks, after unemployment.

Likewise, the president can extend said period of coverage and provide the IMSS with the necessary resources to ensure medical care for workers.

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