
Soccer Rule 15: The Throw-In | Football24 News English

Sand grants throw-in to the opponents of the last player to touch the ball before it completely crosses the touch line on the ground or through the air.

It is not allowed to score directly from a throw-in, neither in one goal nor in another, as explained by the soccer regulation.

* If the ball enters andn the pitcher’s goal It is granted corner kick.

* If the ball enters the opposing goal It is granted goal kick.

In this sense, there was a goal in the 14-15 edition of the Europa League that should never have gone up on the scoreboard. Feyenoord would end up beating Standard de Liège 2-1 after the referee ended up conceding an obviously illegal goal, as the ball put into the area from the side by the Dutch team would end up entering the goal without anyone touching it. The struggle to finish off between several players before the ball bounced in the area would lead the referee to error.

The kick-in goal that should never have gone up on the scoreboard

The correct execution of the throw-in requires:

* Stand in front of the pitch.

* Stepping on the line with both feet, even partially, or being out of the field of play.

* Launch with both hands from behind overhead, from the place where the ball came out.

* Any opponent must be at a minimum distance of of the meters.

The ball is in play when it enters the field of play. If he touches the ground before entering, the serve is repeated. If the kicker voluntarily throws the ball at an opponent and does not do so recklessly or aggressively, the referee allows play to resume. In case of incorrect throw, the opposing team will throw out.

If the player who took the service touches it again without anyone else doing it, he will be penalized with an indirect free kick. If he touches it with his hand, a direct free kick will be awarded except in the case that he does so within his area, in which case a penalty will be awarded.

Although it is not allowed to score directly, the throw-in has turned into a goal assist by some specialists in this set. Thus the British Stoke City defender Rory Delap went down in history for his power and precision with these shots.

Equally famous was the Canyon what could it become Roberto Carlos also with the hands. Thus, he led a Brazilian goal against Argentina in a qualifying match for the 2002 World Cup. He served powerfully and would end up beating the Mono Burgos thanks to Ayala’s slight comb towards his goal. With Real Madrid he would assist Raúl for the 1-0 in the Ninth final with a serve from practically the dividing line of the two fields as if it were a long pass with his foot.

Roberto Carlos’ throw-in ‘goal’ to Argentina

Luis Hernández would also become a priceless weapon in Sporting’s latest promotion to First, because each of their measured and powerful throw-ins was a scoring opportunity. So much so that even the ball boys participated in the ritual by giving him a towel to dry the ball before the execution.

Much remembered is also the conference offered by Benito floro, former coach of Real Madrid and Albacete, in Alicante, and who was used by many of his detractors to censure his excessive love for tactics. “The importance of the throw-in in the attack game” was the title of that master lesson that, years later, was confirmed in its entirety.

Although it has sometimes been seen that A player stands still in front of the kicker with the intention of hindering his serve, the rule makes it clear that it is illegal, as it cannot be located less than two meters. “Any opponent who distracts or obstructs the kick-off kicker in an illegal way (which includes being located within 2 meters [2 yd] of the place where the serve is executed) will be admonished for unsportsmanlike conduct. In the event that the service has already been executed, an indirect free-kick will be awarded, “it reads.

Of course, before the throw-in is executed the referee must get the player’s attention that is within two meters, proceeding to admonish him if he does not retreat.