
The crossing between Alejandro Fantino and Diego Latorre through the internal of Boca | Football24 News English

The driver and the panelist argued over the veracity of information about the Xeneixe. Credit: Capture

The interior of Boca Juniors by the conflict between the players and the Soccer Council continues on the tables of sports conversations. And the debate over which players are involved in the claims generated some differences in the program ESPN FC, conducted by Alejandro Fantino.

Is that the journalist and host of the cycle shared the information he had about the supposed meeting between the players, where they raised “they touch one and they touch us all.” Along these lines, he argued that it was the entire xeneixe group that stood before the leadership.

“They touch one and they touch us all, it does not mean that there are four or five who do not agree,” he said. Oscar Ruggeri about. However, the provider of the data insisted that the claim was “unanimous.” “They confirm it to me again. I swear that in most things you have much more information than I do. In this, follow me,” he continued.

Fantino He continued to provide data about the athletes’ meeting by adding: “What’s more, they got together with the psychologist, everyone.” In addition, he told another reason why the campus is supposedly enraged. “I’m going to tell you as my sources tell me,” he began. Here, he related that the players used to eat in a zoom, in Ezeiza, which was now occupied by the Council, where the managers have a chef, and they were transferred to the youth room, without even a bathroom on the same floor.

“We are discarding the information gossip, right? Because sometimes everything gets mixed up,” he interrupted. Diego Latorre, who did not feel comfortable talking about such an intern at Xeneize. “I don’t know what is true and what is not,” he continued.

But the driver stressed that the conflict had been told by two players. “I throw some information about the restaurant that has to do, it seems to me, with the climate of Boca Y Diego proposes, and I respect him of course, analyze if this is gossip or information, “he complained Fantino.

“Do you know the number of times they said things about me that were not true, that are not true?” Gambeta answered, to which the journalist replied: “Do you disbelieve my sources?”

Tower He clarified that he trusts him but insisted: “Is it true? Is the gossip information discriminated? But I am not saying it to you in particular. Because I listened 24 hours about some topics and then it is difficult to verify it with reality.”

“I do not understand your doubt. Is it true what? Do you distrust my sources, my information?”, Returned the driver, who asked him if he considers that two different players may have lied to him, and Tower He believed that footballers, sometimes, “to gain consensus with the press, sell information that is false.”

So, Fantino He insisted that such an investigation serves to reconstruct the internal between the Council and the players. But Gambeta continued with that “some information is sometimes unsupported” and that he disbelieves some sources. “Do you want me to tell you my source when the program ends?” Said the author of the data and concluded: “Diego, but if we don’t bring the information, we can’t do journalism.”