
The curious reason why an NBA team borrowed Manu Ginobili from the San Antonio Spurs | Football24 News English

The time Manu Ginobili caught a bat

Minnesota Timberwolves he was ready to start the last training session before facing San antonio spurs in a new party of the NBA. Before the trip to Texas, the northern franchise of the U.S he lived a special situation in his stadium.

A bat infiltrated into the Target Center And the team had no better way to handle the situation than by dedicating a tweet to Emanuel Ginobili. “Please send Manu”wrote the Timberwolves account mentioning the Spurs.

Why did you ask for help from the Argentine basketball player? This request is due to the fact that on one occasion, in a match against the Sacramento Kings played on October 31, 2009, the bahiense caught with his hand a bat that entered the field of play, which aroused an ovation from those present. But the thing did not end there and the conflict knocked on the door of San Antonio, since the organization of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) said that “Next time Ginobili will take a couple of minutes to think before acting when someone’s life is at risk.”

“Please send Manu,” the Timberwolves account wrote.

The negative of the situation is that he received a wide variety of injections to avoid any type of disease that could have been spread by slapping the mammal. Although that night he scored 13 points, the ovation was for his hunting instinct and he is remembered to this day.

“I have like a million shots for rabies. Be careful, rabies is a dangerous disease. I had to give them to me because I spoke with many specialists. I have 12 applications of the vaccine in my body now. So I think I’ll be safe, but it’s not a fun thing to do. So guys don’t do this at home. Don’t catch bats, don’t squash them. Do not do anything with the raccoons either, because otherwise the same thing will happen to them as me, ” Manu at that time.

It is not the first time that Ginobili has been linked to that animal: during a game between the San Antonio Spurs and Brooklyn Nets, there was an invasion of bats that forced the referees to stop the match. As the basketball players ran to get away from the mammals, the speakers and the public asked for the Argentine’s presence. Unfortunately for viewers, Manu was already retired and not present at the AT&T Center.

A bat entered the San Antonio Spurs stadium and the public asked for Manu Ginobili


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