
“The gyms will remain open because they are safe spaces” | Football24 News English

08/02/2021 – 16:43 Updated: 02/08/2021 – 16:51

The vice president of the Community of Madrid, Ignacio Aguado, visited the Boxing School today, in the Madrid neighborhood of Lucero, to learn about the situation of the sports companies sector and defend their health safety premises against coronavirus: “The gyms have remained open and they will continue like this because they are safe spaces.” The also Minister of Sports, Transparency and spokesman insists that sports centers “are our allies to get out of the pandemic, because they reinforce physical and mental health.”

Aguado, who in addition to knowing the gym facilities has spoken with the boxer Jero Garcia, has highlighted the attitude, in his opinion, exemplary of the sector during the management of the health crisis as well as respect for prevention measures. “Sport is a fundamental asset for the Community of Madrid and one of the better tools in the commitment to a healthier society “, he assures.

Aguado spoke with boxer Jero García during his visit. (Eph)

The sanitary measures of the Community of Madrid in sports centers range from keeping the facilities “clean, disinfected and well ventilated at all times” to the mandatory use of a mask in any type of indoor activity “Except where the activity limited by individual partitions is carried out.”

Citizens ask for a VAT reduction for gyms

Ciudadanos presented on February 6 a non-law proposal in Congress to demand a reduced VAT of 10% for gyms and sports services and that sport be considered an essential activity when applying restrictions due to covid. The orange formation proposed that this VAT reduction from 21 to 10% be maintained “at least” while the health and economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic lasts.

Citizens argue that sport “should be understood as one more tool to fight this pandemic” since it “helps fight” the covid and is also “a fundamental tool to improve mental health.” In their explanatory memorandum this group pointed out, for example “80% of coronavirus patients who were in serious condition suffered from obesity” and that “being in good shape can protect against some factors that appear to be associated with an increased risk of hospitalization and mortality.”