
The masterpiece that cannot be missing in this Seville. | Football24 News English

As a general rule, the master parts of gears, the really essential for them to work, they are often hidden from view and sometimes escape the attention they really deserve. However, it is enough to go into the operation minimally to value in its proper measure an influence that is greatly missed when this piece is missing, and hence its true significance.

Because there is a tendency to relativize regularity, perennial performance, not to grant it the merit it supposes, when really the essence lies in making simple what is far from being simple. Y Joan Jordan, for me crucial in this Seville, has normalized a leading role in Nervión, of leadership, with an amazing naturalness, able to multitask in midfield and take on chevrons that, a priori, did not correspond to him but that he looks without histrionics, on a commitment level, with a team profile and, of course, fully backed by the numbers.

Without Banega, Monchi trusted RakiticNot to replace him, because there is no replacement for geniuses, but to act as the backbone of the Seville proposal. The Croatian grows per game, true, but A large part of the void has been occupied by the Catalan with his presence and a gallery of technical resources that place him in a privileged step although for some it has until recently passed under the radar for the mere fact of having settled in the notable.

It was what it seems, an incongruity, but already residual and never present in a serious, in-depth analysis, in which the figure of Jordán acquires a great importance in the current Seville in both aspects, as a champion of high blood pressure to recover and basic to activate the sevillista exit and boost circulation with its occupation of spaces and criteria. In addition, this continuity is not at all incompatible with brilliance and crystallize his incombustible work in figures, since He already has two goals and his best mark in assists, with six, the last of a supreme category to qualify Munir against Getafe.

The arrival of Papu will contribute, definitely, to multiply the routes and verticalize possession in three quarters, but Jordán’s contribution quota remains intact as a key element in the Nervionense gear, inside and outside, for his football and with a winning attitude and a feeling of belonging that can be seen in his gestures and in an expressiveness with a contagious effect. A majority sector of sevillismo already sees him as a leader and, to this day, It’s hard to understand Lopetegui’s plan without Jordan, not by dependency, but by the volume of their contribution to a Seville as reliable and powerful as he.

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