
The Super Bowl lands on Movistar + and La Cadena SER | Football24 News English

The NFL party arrives with the Super Bowl game. Tonight, starting at 00:10 you can follow the final live between Tampa Bay Buccaneers y Kansas City Chiefs in #Vamos de Movistar +. In Cadena SER, José Antonio Ponseti and the team of 100 Yards will be overturned with the coverage of everything that happens in the Raymond James Stadium.

On television, Movistar + will have its usual team of experts, Andrea Zanoni, Miguel Ángel Calleja (MAC), Moisés Molina, Rubén Ibeas and Javier López. “The NFL has tried to have a detail with the people who have been on the front line, toilets and other workers, and has given 7,500 invitations to the game. People who have also already been vaccinated, ”explains Rubén Ibeas for AS, regarding how the Super Bowl is going to unfold, and adds:“Throughout today we will have a Movistar + channel with the preview of the final. There will be broadcasting of matches, conference finals, reports … Until at 00:10 we connect on #Vamos ”.

And on radio, Cadena SER will also tell the game live. “This year we have turned to making a virtual stadium, in which the protagonists are the listenersPonseti says. The broadcast will start at 11:30 p.m. on La SER.

Ruben Ibeas

The public in the NFL, as in many sports, is an essential factor. This year, throughout the season, some stadiums have allowed the entry of fans and the NFL has been played within the relevant prevention margins. “It was a very rare situation, in July it was doubted if it could be played. In the end, the regular match games, the playoffs and now, the Super Bowl have been played normally. There have been problems, inconveniences … But for the catastrophe in which we are submerged, I think the NFL has responded and been able to save the season and do it in a normal way. Without people and without the whole stadium full, but it has been a normal season, “explains Rubén Ibeas, one of the NFL’s front-line communicators in Spain.

“As a communicator I am very comfortable, especially with the ease with which you can approach people. What I like the most right now about the NFL in Spain is that people want to know, they want to know the game, they want to learn It’s the only way to keep attracting more fans. We must not close in our bubble, because it happens in the NFL community that there are people who are bothered that now the media is talking about the Super Bowl. And this is how it works, because the more people ask what it is, the better. In the end, some, maybe 20%, are going to stay and watch the game of week one of next season. “

Rubén Ibeas is a commentator on Movistar +, collaborates in 100 Yards and now it will become part of the NFL in Spain. “I started in the last century, I got hooked on this sport in the Super Bowl in 1996. Little by little I am getting more into it and I am getting into the technical-tactical part of the sport, which is what I am passionate about and I thought I had a void in Spain on this issue. And well, I’ve been writing a blog for ten years, Mariano Tovar counts on me for the NFL section in AS and from there I start to grow more. Until last year I ended up at Movistar, and now working directly with the NFL. If there is anyone to whom I owe this, it is Mariano, who was the first to give me the opportunity and I am infinitely grateful. “

Rubén Ibeas, Movistar +.


Tonight, the SER airwaves will vibrate with the NFL. “This year we have turned to making a virtual stadium where today there are more than 800 people signed up. We are going to have all the people behind us watching us from home while we do the broadcast. We will be as always, with the team of 100 Yards. We are going to do a very funny story because we start from 11:30 p.m. on YouTube, Twitch and social networks, and at 00:30, for the first time, the SER will connect in a chain and we will do the entire Super Bowl“Ponseti comments to AS. This year, La SER is committed to a night focused on listeners since” at the radio level it is a very significant change. Last year, the million viewers we had on YouTube has helped us grow a lot. We will be giving away Kansas and Tampa helmets, the Mahomes jersey, six official balls, other teams jerseys … We are going to try to make it as participatory as ever “.

Last year, part of the 100-yard team was able to experience and tell the Super Bowl on site. “In terms of personal experience, there is nothing like being in a stadium, but This year we have put even more intensity and enthusiasm for everything that is happening. We have decided not to stop throughout the year. In the podcast, social networks … And we have grown exponentially. Tonight is going to be a totally different experience. The people who follow us on YouTube will be able to see us watching the game. ” The radio adapts to all platforms and therefore this year 100 Yards He will also narrate the Super Bowl on Twitch. “We have seen that the people who follow us are on all these platforms and the only thing we can do is thank them and add,” emphasizes Ponseti and adds: “Also, for the first time in history, the Carousel only lasts until 00:30 and then everything will be football. “

100 Yards, SER Chain.

Kansas City Chiefs vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

A historical final of which everyone. On a personal note, “The favorite is Kansas and I think that is clear to us. What happens is that on the other side is Tom Brady. This year’s final is the final dream of the NFL. He’s going to put in the same game the possibly best quarterback in NFL history, an absolute legend, and on the other side who seems to be his successor, Patrick Mahomes. It’s going to be a great game. If I had to lean towards one it would be Kansas“, highlights Rubén Ibeas. Ponseti did not differ much and adds:” My illusion would be a very equal match and with a tight final decision. I don’t know who can win, the thing is even. But whatever happens, it’s going to be amazing. Brady is like the God of American football and if there is an heir, that’s Mahomes“.