

Has legal status

The Peruvian Sportsmen Association – ADP- has finally seen the light and will undoubtedly be a great contribution to national athletes, who will be able to make their opinion known directly to the competent authorities.

The first board of directors is led (December 2020 – December 2024) by the rowing athlete, Camila Valle and accompanied by Paola Mautino, Daniella Borda, Mario Mustafa and María Fernanda Reyes.

The ADP is already registered in Public registries with entry number 70706932 and is a non-profit Civil Association and is governed by its statute, its regulations and the civil code.

The purpose of this association, formed and directed by active athletes, is “to act as representatives and defenders of the interests of active athletes (representatives of the country in the last two years) before national and international public entities, authorities, organizations and agencies. or private, related to the development of sport, and thus empower them in decision-making processes in the National Sports System. “

Likewise, the ADP will act as a link between the associated athletes and the Peruvian Institute of Sports, the Peruvian Olympic Committee and the National Paralympic Association of Peru.

The Peruvian Association of Athletes also has among its purposes, to contribute to the promotion and development of sport in Peru, to promote the organization and affiliation of athletes linked to organizations registered in the National Sports Registry at the national level.

The vice president of the ADP, Paola Mautino, stated in statements that “officially, we athletes did not have the power to speak with the authorities, everything was through the Headquarters of the Technical Unit or the Federation itself. Today we have the possibility to watch over active high-performance and federated athletes ”.

“We are very satisfied that many athletes have responded to this Association and we invite them to join this great project,” adds our athlete.

Mautino also indicated that “from the beginning, Gustavo San Martín, president of the IPD, has given us the impetus for the creation of the Association. There is a very good communication with him. We want to clarify that the Association is for athletes and for athletes ”.

The secretary of this new association, Daniella Borda, said that “since the end of 2019 we have met with many athletes to create this Association and this quarantine has prompted us to crystallize this initiative. That has given us that punch to carry this project forward ”.

“The idea of ​​the Association is to speak as a group. A representation of all federated athletes. When this Association began to take shape, the president of the IPD, Gustavo San Martín gave us a space to talk with him and express our problems, which belonged to everyone. Normally the athlete has to speak with the Federation and is just with the IPD, there was no direct communication and many athletes out of fear do not do so. We thank San Martín who opened the doors to athletes because we want to support the sport and for athletes to be heard ”, added Borda, who practices the sport of shooting in the form of skeet.

“The idea is to have a vocal athlete per sport and in each assembly they can express the problems they have in their federations. It is by chance that we are 4 women and one man on the board. We summoned the majority and it was difficult to meet, but we did it and today the Association works ”, concluded Paola Mautino.

Board of Directors of the Association of Athletes of Peru (02-12-2020 – 01-12-2024)

President: Camila Valle – Remo

Vice President: Paola Mautino – Athletism

Secretary: Daniella Borda – Tiro

Treasurer: Mario Andrés Mustafa – Water Skiing

Member: María Fernanda Reyes – Surf